
Christian Musical artists

The TV-musical phenomenon is swiftly on the rise. From NBC’s The Sound of Music, to Peter Pan, and Fox’s Grease Live, live-action events are enticing viewers to revisit their favorite stories in a brand new format. Now, Christian actor and director Tyler Perry is hoping to use this momentum to stage a bold retelling of the Crucifixion. According to Variety, Perry’s upcoming project, titled The Passion, will tell the story of Jesus as set in modern-day New Orleans. The musical will depict Jesus presiding over the Last Supper, his betrayal by Judas, and ultimate resurrection.

The Two-hour event will air on Palm Sunday, and has already attracted a number of Christian stars including five-time Grammy winner Yolanda Adams and Christian singer/songwriter Michael W. Smith. Other cast members include Jencarlos Canela (Jesus Christ), Chris Daughtry (Judas), Prince Royce (the disciple Peter), Seal (Pontius Pilate) and Trisha Yearwood (Mary, the mother of Jesus).

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