Rock Band music Download
Were you a Rock Band fiend back in the day? I bet you’re excited to grab…
Scene music Bands
Underground bands that are NOT screamo or screeching but an alternative rockish indie popish sound. some are acoustic and some aren…
Read MoreFemale music artists names
List Criteria: Only singers and musicians known by one name Complete list of famous singers & musicians with one name, crowdsourced…
Read MoreFemale Musical artists
Underrepresentation of women extends to the music industry proving women are still looking for a little respect. In 1967 Aretha Franklin…
Read MoreJazz music Bands
Jazz has been called America s classical music, and for good reason. Along with the blues, its forefather, it is one of the first truly…
Read MoreFemale music artists of the 90s
Famous in her native Iceland for her childhood acting career, and for fronting the ’80s cult band the Sugarcubes, Bjork debuted her…
Read MoreAustralian female music artists
Music 1960s star: Little Pattie. Ask someone to name an Australian female pop singer of the 1960s, and most likely they’ll come up…
Read More70s music artists female
So many musical genres were popular in the 1970s, so when considering who some of the most notable female singers in the 70s may have…
Read MoreFemale music artists 1990s
162, 413 votes 9, 630 voters 197, 385 views 331 items tags List Criteria: Female artist who have had major impact in the 1980s, 1990s…
Read MoreYoung female music artists
The second we think Beyoncé has done it all, she proves us wrong. In her recent cover story interview with Elle magazine, the singer…
Read MoreFemale music artists A-Z
Paula Cole was one of the many female singer/songwriters who rose to prominence in the mid- 90s in the wake of alternative s commercial…
Read MoreBritish music Bands
By far the undisputed champions of British music, The Beatles remain legends even three decades after the band broke up. Formed in…
Read MoreBand music videos
Between green screens and computer-generated graphics, Hollywood has a treasure trove of tools at its disposal to create visually stunning…
Read MoreCurrent female music artists
List Criteria: Only Jazz singers. No other genres The best female jazz singers in music history have a sound that s like no other…
Read MoreHot female music artists
Sex appeal + manufactured music + sometimes auto-tune = a successful 21st century pop star. Anyone care to disagree? It is undeniable…
Read MoreBest female music artists
To celebrate International Women’s Day, we reveal the UK’s Official Top 40 biggest singles by female artists of all time. Which lady…
Read MoreNew female music artists
Get to know the top 10 best emerging singer-songwriters. — By Diane Cho In an industry that takes women and tries to package them into…
Read MoreBritish female music artists
The Internet has made it so much easier to discover new genres and artists beyond the confines of your town, region or country. With…
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