Popular Mexican music artists
List of famous Mexican bands and solo musicians, listed by popularity. These popular bands from Mexico come from a number of different musical genres including rock, pop, metal, electronic, jam, punk, and acoustic. These might not necessarily be the best Mexican bands, but this list contains a majority of the greatest musicians and groups from Mexico. Some, like Carlos Santana, were born in Mexico, but found success and fame in American bands. Others like Maná and Molotov were founded in Mexico and while gaining great notoriety abroad. Music lovers who are looking for new music to listen to can use this list of talented Mexican singers, bands, and musicians to discover some great new Mexican music.
This is a list that includes musicians like Carlos Santana and Ernesto Cortazar.
This list answers the questions, "Which bands are from Mexico?" and "Which bands are popular in Mexico?"
List Photo: user uploaded imageYOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE

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