2 Tori Kelly

Old Country music artists list

In this directory you will find the homepage of almost every relevant male artist in the world,
"dead or alive", famous or unknown.

These country stars represent very different country music styles, from traditional and contemporary country to rock and alternative. You will find the most famous legends as there are the old guys like Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Jim Reeves and Kris Kristofferson but also the most popular singers from this moment like George Strait, Keith Urban, Tim McGraw, Brad Paisley, Kenny Chesney, Toby Keith, Hank Williams Jr., Garth Brooks, Randy Travis and Vince Gill.

Please don't hesitate to give all the singers listed on this site the attention they deserve and visit their sites to take a look and to listen to their music. Of course there is always a change that your favorite male artist isn't listed. If he has an official site please let us know so we can add him immediately.

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