10 Popular Kenya Gospel Music

Gospel music artists list

20, 305 votes 4, 639 voters 591, 678 views 105 items tags

List Criteria: Vote up or down for the greatest gospel music artists of all time

Gospel music is one of the oldest forms of music. With its origins being traced back as far as the 17th century, Gospel singers have preached the words of the good book for centuries. Gospel singers for a long time had to sing without musical accompaniment outside of clapping and stomping - black gospel music has a strong tradition of using the human hands and feet as instruments. More recently, these hymns and songs feature the same strong harmonies, but also organs to tambourines to electric guitars. Beginning in the 1920s and 1930s, gospel artists became some of the most popular singers in the world. The best gospel singers are wildly popular in the Christian community are closely associated with other Christian singers. Today, within the Christian community, gospel singers are as, if not more popular than Christian rock bands, which is saying a lot.

So, who are the best gospel singers? Any list of gospel artists has to include male gospel singers like Kirk Franklin, Marvin Sapp, BeBe Winans, and Fred Hammond, as well as female Christian singers like CeCe Winans, Yalonda Adams and Shirley Caesar. These gospel singers are considered some of the best in the genre and it's with good reason that they're at or near the top of this poll. The best gospel artists are well represented on this list and with good reason. When you think of Christian singers and gospel artists, you should be able to use this list as a great point of reference.

That said, it's up to you to determine who are the best gospel singers. If you notice that a gospel singer is missing, feel free to add them. This list answers the questions "who are the best gospel music bands of all time?" and "who is the greatest gospel musician ever?" If you know enough about the genre, please vote based on the quality of the band's music instead of just voting for the most popular gospel music bands that you might've heard of.

Gospel Artists Talk BMI Trailblazers of Gospel Music Live
Gospel Artists Talk BMI Trailblazers of Gospel Music Live ...
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gospel music
instrumental list of gospel music various artists
instrumental list of gospel music various artists
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