Popular World music artists
World music is an easy way for people to describe the melding traditional…
Popular Mexican music artists
List of famous Mexican bands and solo musicians, listed by popularity. These popular bands from Mexico come from a number of different…
Read MoreCountry music Bands Arizona
EXPAND The staff at Dierks Bentley s Whiskey Row in Tempe. Benjamin Leatherman Practically every Western film one can think of has…
Read MorePop music artists
Chances are that the picture of Sam Smith with arms barely big enough to cradle his haul of gold statuettes at this year’s Grammy awards…
Read MorePop music artists A-Z
Stevie Wonder is a much-beloved American icon and an indisputable genius not only of R&B but popular music in general. Blind…
Read MoreKorean pop music artists
Twenty years after its birth, Korean pop music has made its way from Seoul to Singapore to San Antonio to São Paulo and back again…
Read MorePopular Spanish music artists
Although Spain isn t the only erstwhile colonial power to have been thoroughly upstaged by its brash former charges when it comes to…
Read MoreJapanese pop music artists
In seventh grade I had my half-Japanese friend burn me a CD full of her favorite Japanese music. That CD, full of Japanese boy bands…
Read MoreFemale pop music artists
Is It A Blip Or Something Bigger? Women on the Billboard Hot 100 Alex Fine Taylor, Iggy, Katy, Nicki, Charli, Jessie, Ariana - there’s…
Read MoreCurrent popular music artists
Kimbra, Willy Moon, Lorde, The Naked and Famous Getty Images Today is February 6, which means that it s Waitangi Day, better understood…
Read MorePopular Hawaiian music artists
Hawaiian pop refers to music that is Hawaiian-tinged but rooted in another popular style. Outside influences have impacted Hawaiian…
Read MorePop music artists 2013
This was an incredibly fruitful year for new and emerging artists pointing their respective genre towards new directions and possibilities…
Read MorePopular Brazilian music artists
There has been a variety of Brazilian music artists that have shaped and influence the music of Brazil. Below are some of the most…
Read MorePopular African music artists
The blind couple mixes traditional Mali music with acoustic guitar, Egyptian, Cuban or Eastern sounds and even rock or electro. (Senegal)…
Read MoreChristmas music by popular artists
No: 10. A Very Gaga Holiday by Lady Gaga Just released, performs Christmas songs like White Christmas alongside acoustic and live performances…
Read MoreIndie pop music artists
As a genre, indie pop is tailor-made for year-end list-making. It’s a genre that cherishes secrets and whispers and close-held truths…
Read MoreContemporary pop music artists
In its Rumours heyday, the band was considered a bit too rock-y for AC radio, peaking as high as No. 11 in the 70s with 1977 s…
Read MoreMost popular music artists of all time
264, 467 votes 14, 625 voters 170, 597 views 1, 199 items tags List Criteria: The best artists of any genre When VH1 polled fellow…
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