Acoustic Music Bands | List of

Acoustic guitar music artists

List Criteria: Only bands or singers who are known for primarily playing acoustic instruments for either all or some of their career.

The backbone of music, regardless of your tastes, has always been acoustic music. Using only acoustic instruments (thus, no electric anything), acoustic music is one of the purest forms of music - and it has been around for a long, long time. Acoustic music has spanned many generations and can be seen in many genres of music, including folk, rock (hard and soft rock) and even metal (if you count Unplugged performances). Believe it or not, many of the songs you're familiar with have likely started as awesome acoustics songs by someone strumming some notes on an acoustic guitar. But, only a select number of musicians can be considered acoustic artists. For the sake of this list, an acoustic artist is defined as a musician who is primarily known for, or has used acoustic instruments for a majority of their songs.

So what are best acoustic bands? Any top 100 list (or top 10 for that matter) of acoustic artists has to include names like Jack Johnson, James Taylor, Nick Drake, Joan Baez, Elliott Smith, Colbie Calliat and Bob Dylan. These are some of the best acoustic artists known and with good reason. Their songs were popular when they were first released and continue to be hits years after they were first released. Good acoustic artists have strong devoted followings and are able to sell out their concerts and play shows around the world.

That said, it's up to you to determine who are the best acoustic singers. If you know acoustic music and are familiar with acoustic artists, then feel free to vote on this list. If you think someone isn't on this list and should be, feel free to add them.his list answers the questions "who are the best acoustic music bands of all time?" and "who is the greatest acoustic music musician ever?" If you know enough about the genre, please vote based on the quality of the band's music instead of just voting for the most popular acoustic music bands that you might've heard of.

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